Re: [Nautilus-list] PR3 questions and comments

on 2/2/01 8:29 AM, Tom Georgoulias (rn0621) at tom georgoulias motorola com

<stuff about installation and package management deleted; someone else can
comment on that>

> One more thing that I thought would be cool is the addition of a history
> list that will pop up if you single click the back button and hold it
> down, similar to the one in netscape.  It's easy to fall into browser
> habits when you see a back button.  :)

We have a version of this feature already: right-click on Back or Forward to
get a context menu with the complete Back or Forward list. It's pretty
hidden though, and we should improve its visibility at some point.


> Anyway, these are a few of my initial thoughts.

Thanks for the thoughts. Feedback is great.

> Tom
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