Re: [Nautilus-list] Progress Bar on Move

On Thu, 2001-12-06 at 21:48, Ben Ford wrote:
> John Sullivan wrote:
> >is quick, they aren't actually harmful. I disagree with this -- flashing a
> >window on screen and instantly off is jarring and frustrating if you were
> >trying to read it. So delaying the appearance of the dialog a little bit so
> >that the really fast cases don't show the dialog at all is a good design
> >choice.
> >
> So what happens if you set the timeout threshold at 0.5 seconds and the 
> operation takes 0.6 seconds?
You'd know that was going to happen because your initial display would
be somewhere near 83%.  So just don't bother showing the display if you
have already transfered more than about half of the data.

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