Re: [Nautilus-list] Nautilus Smoke Test --- first draft, feedbackRequest.

Reginald Poyau wrote:

> I don't really see the advantage here.  Is it not the same has to simply
> creating a link to an item on the desktop, and then later deleting it
> manually.  I happen to do this regularly on my desktop.

Well, the advantage is that it maintains the consistency that was
discussed earlier-- dropping a file from a window onto the desktop moves
that file rather than creating a shortcut, just like it would when you
dropped it into another directory.  So there's no need to think about
what action will be performed when you let go of the mouse button; it's
always the same.

The disadvantage is the same as I mentioned in my last mail, though--
when you delete the file from the desktop, you really are deleting it,
and not just a shortcut to it.  (Although the Amiga doesn't actually let
you delete the file from the desktop-- you have to "Put it away" before
you can delete it, which is a good safety device for novices, but
probably rather annoying for experts.)


CALUM BENSON, Usability Engineer       Sun Microsystems Ireland
mailto:calum benson ireland sun com

Any opinions are personal and not necessarily those of Sun Microsystems

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