[Nautilus-list] With the coming of the installer...

Since the new installer is coming down, I was curious. Will it be posible to
mirror the eazel site so that we can distribute the load of people downloading
stuff? The reason I think this is an issue, is that the minute that eazel makes
the formal public announcement of the installer, it will be swamped. Helix
had this very thing happen, and their link was basically shut down for a few
days. I am a Helix mirror and I know that the mirrors saw a lot of activity 
during releases even after that initial hit.

I will offer to mirror nautilus here as well. We have a DS3, which can certainly
be used to help. Have provisions be made already in the installer for this?  I know
that you probably don't want to offload any of the eazel-services stuff, but at the
least couldn't the brunt of downloading be distributed any?


Will LaShell
Nautilus crasher^H^H^H^H^H^Htester



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  commit message at some point

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