[Nautilus-list] Update notification feature


I would like to propose to you a feature that could be useful for Nautilus.
The idea is to be able to add files or directories to a special bookmark or
better an "Update Notification" slidebar window. Then Nautilus periodicly (evry
hour, day, week.. must be customizable) chek (in background) if a change has been
made for those files or directories and notify the change to the user (maybe
using a special emblems, a clik on it could open a window displaying the date and
author of modification).

This could be useful for:
1- Group working documents (when a new document or directory is updated).
2- Ftp sites (many people are looking for new packages on ftp sites).

Please fell free to comment


email: jmardantz ifrance com
site web: http://www.ifrance.com/ardantz
(Screenshots of Evolution and Nautilus)

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