[Nautilus-list] hardware view

Has there been any thought/discussion on how thorough the hardware view
will be?  I have read that additional hardware items would be added
(at "http://bugzilla.eazel.com/show_bug.cgi?id=734";), but I have not seen
any details on whether the hardware view would simply display basic
hardware information (lists of PCI cards, USB devices, disks etc) or
whether it would act like a full device manager (similar in concept to the
Windows Device Manager or Nextstep's Configure.app.)

The reason I ask is that I would be interested in enhancing Nautilus'
hardware view/component.  However if any plans have been laid out for
such, then I do not want to go trampling all over them.

Thoughts?  Comments?

David Ludwig               | "The Linux philosophy is laugh in the face of
davidl<at>wpi.edu          | danger.  Oops.  Wrong One.  'Do it yourself.'
http://www.wpi.edu/~davidl | That's it."                  - Linus Torvalds

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