[Nautilus-list] Re: nautilus build sucks.

On Mon, Jun 05, 2000 at 10:39:25AM -0400, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> > Also, I don't know how to solve beautifully the
> > $(data)/idl/Bonobo.idl pb because Bonobo could be installed
> > in some /usr/local/bonobo and you could install nautilus in
> > /usr/local/nautilus. 
> This is what I use in Gnumeric's Makefile.am:
> $(GNOME_CONFIG) --datadir`/idl
> > Conclusion: the above is why this was CCed to g-h: I think 
> > we really need this new --idl stuff to gnome-config. Any 
> > comments ? 
> I have wanted to add this for quite some time.  But the above hack
> works.  Not sure what the --idl would report besides making it
> more obvious (I am all for it, btw).

As I told mathieu on irc, the new gnome.m4 that will be available
with gnome-libs 2 (and if you use hack-macros instead of macros)
solves this by allowing you to include gnome-config modules in
the AM_PATH_GNOME macro call.

if you do
    AM_PATH_GNOME(1.0.0,, AC_MSG_ERROR(no gnome 1.0.0 found), idl)

it fills IDL_CFLAGS with the output of `gnome-config --cflags idl`

if you then do 


you can use $(IDL_CFLAGS) in your call to orbit-idl, and it will
include -I flags for all the share/idl subdirs in your $GNOME_PATH

Maybe the part of the AM_PATH_GNOME macro that does this should
be backported to GNOME_INIT_HOOK, but since that'll be deprecated
soon anyway, maybe we shouldn't bother.


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