Re: [Nautilus-list] yacp (yet another compiling problem)

on 7/31/00 11:07 AM, R. Russell Geldmacher at rusty WPI EDU wrote:

> now what i see is that it's pointing to /nautilus/include and
> /nautilus/libs up there, but could the problem be that it's loking in
> /usr/include and /usr/lib first? if this is the problem ,anyone know how
> to fix this (relatively painlessly).

Yes, that's the problem.

The problem is that you are trying to compile with gnome-libs in one prefix
with an old gnome-vfs in that prefix and a newer gnome-vfs in another
prefix. This won't work! Either a directory is in the -I path or it's not.
It can't be in for the gnome-libs headers and not in for the gnome-vfs
headers. That's why the HACKING file says you need to build/install
gnome-libs into the new prefix too (and glib, and gtk, ...)

> . it's weird cuz other libs that need
> gnome-vfs are finding it (the CVS one in /nautilus)... look at this:
> [root rusty nautilus]# gnome-config --libs vfs
> -rdynamic -L/nautilus/lib -L/usr/lib -lgnomevfs -lgmodule -lgthread -lglib
> -lpthread -ldl
> [root rusty nautilus]# gnome-config --cflags vfs
> -I/nautilus/include -I/nautilus/lib/vfs/include -I/usr/lib/glib/include

Try "gnome-config --cflags gnome".

    -- Darin

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