[Nautilus-list] Specifying idl path.

While compiling Nautilus I ran into this problem. I've kept my base gnome
libraries in /usr and installed the libraries necessary to get Nautilus
running in $prefix_something_else to keep them separate. I added the new
directory to my GNOME_PATH. This worked until Nautilus went to compile one of
it's idl files which depended on a idl in Bonobo. The make script got the idl
path from 

gnome-config --cpath idl 

which returned -I/usr/share/idl. Therefore it couldn't find the Bonobo idl. If
the GNOME_PATH was searched though, then it should be able to find it. I don't
know much about how autogen.sh creates the Makefiles but if someone could give
me a clue where it look I'd take a crack at making a patch it do this. That is
assuming that someone who knows something about this thinks that it's a good


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