[Muine] Muine on Ubuntu Breezy

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Ive been trying for a while to get muine's plugin system working on
Ubuntu Breezy.  It occured to me that with the release approaching so
fast that muine might not get fixed or I was the only person seeing this
problem.  So I would appreciate any help as I love muine.

The problem boils down to this.  The plugin system does not seem to
work.  When ever I start up muine, either it says that the plugin could
no be loaded, or it outright segfaults.  Here is a quick trasnscript of
what I'm doing.

scotth wildfire:~$ rm -fr .gnome2/muine
scotth wildfire:~$ muine
Error loading plug-in TrayIcon.dll: gdk-x11-2.0
scotth wildfire:~$ mkdir .gnome2/muine/plugins
scotth wildfire:~$ mcs -target:library -out:Cuckoo.dll Cuckoo.cs
- -pkg:muine-plugin -pkg:glade-sharp -pkg:gconf-sharp -res:Cuckoo.glade
Cuckoo.cs(54) warning CS0169: The private method
'Cuckoo.OnCloseButtonClicked( object,  System.EventArgs)' is never used
Cuckoo.cs(58) warning CS0169: The private method
'Cuckoo.OnAlarmClockWindowDeleteEvent( object,  Gtk.DeleteEventArgs)' is
never used
Cuckoo.cs(63) warning CS0169: The private method
'Cuckoo.OnEnableCheckButtonToggled( object,  System.EventArgs)' is never
Cuckoo.cs(71) warning CS0169: The private method
'Cuckoo.OnHourSpinButtonValueChanged( object,  System.EventArgs)' is
never used
Cuckoo.cs(75) warning CS0169: The private method
'Cuckoo.OnMinuteSpinButtonValueChanged( object,  System.EventArgs)' is
never used
Cuckoo.cs(79) warning CS0169: The private method
'Cuckoo.OnVolumeComboBoxChanged( object,  System.EventArgs)' is never used
Cuckoo.cs(15) warning CS0169: The private field 'Cuckoo.CloseButton' is
never used
Compilation succeeded - 7 warning(s)
scotth wildfire:~$ mv Cuckoo.dll .gnome2/muine/plugins/
scotth wildfire:~$ muine
Error loading plug-in TrayIcon.dll: gdk-x11-2.0
Error loading plug-in Cuckoo.dll: Object type Gtk.Button cannot be
converted to target type: Gtk.Button
Parameter name: val
Segmentation fault
scotth wildfire:~$

I'm not sure how to debug a mono app, so if anyone knows something I can
do to get more specific information, Ill do it.  Oh, I'm using muine
0.8.3-5ubuntu5.  Before I ran the above I completely removed(--purge)
and reinstalled mono to clear things out.  Ruffle and muinescrobbler
also exhibit similar problems.  Notice that I have muine-plugin-trayicon
installed as well and it never loads.  Any help would be much
appreciated as Id like to upgrade to breezy on my laptop but I refuse to
go without a working muine.  Thanks.

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