Fwd: [Muine] Idea for a lyrics plugin

dumb me..i forgot to mail it to the muine list too...sorry about that

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: z <nostalgiafed gmail com>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 15:21:36 +0200
Subject: Re: [Muine] Idea for a lyrics plugin
To: Yo'av Moshe <bjesus gmail com>

last week i was thinking about a lyrics plugin about muine and was
going to suggest it here because i'm no coder just a user and
i'm not sure if i got you right but you're suggesting that for each
song no matter if it has been played you'll need internet connection
and everytime when a song is played to use google. i don't think
that's very convenient. the databes method is surer. a little database
just like the db of the covers where a lyric is linked with a song
title and performer.
something along those lines..
however saying that i'm having in mind that i have no idea how this is
going to be implemented into muine's interface.

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 14:54:39 +0200, Yo'av Moshe <bjesus gmail com> wrote:
> Some hates it and some can't do without it - a Lyrics Plug-in.
> While I was on my way home today I thought of a way to implement it.
> We tend to think that we'll need a database for it, or at least
> connect to one. But why? Here's my suggest:
> Under 'Song' menu there'll be a 'Show Lyrics' entry. Choosing it will
> open a pretty small window, something like Muine's size (there should
> be a GConf key so we can remember the size). This window only need's 2
> parts:
> 1 - The Lyrics - what we're actually doing is displaying (using
> Gecko#) Google's "I'm feeling lucky!" for '"%title" "%artist" lyrics'.
> This browser thing takes almost all of the window's size. There's no
> need for button like "back" or "forward" of course. Nothing at all.
> 2 - Next Button - under the browser view there'll be a small button,
> "Show next found", just-in-case the first result wasn't it. Doesn't
> really happen most of the time, but I think we'll need it. It does
> what it says - displays the second result on Google's results page for
> the query.
> 3 - Close Button.
> Although we could end it all here, I believe the Gecko# thing should
> do a bit more than just following Google's result. It should (1)
> remove all of the images on the page, and if possible, we'll want to
> (2) connect it to a custom CSS (it can be hard-coded into the plugin,
> it doesn't quite matters) that we'll help us remove most of the
> unneeded parts of the popular lyrics websites.
> What you think?
> Thanks!
> Yo'av.
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