Re: [Muine] hacking with TagLib


Sorry for the late reply. I am finally catching up with things here..

I already have a partially implemented TagLib port which I intend to
finish soon. As for the gnomevfs question, there currently is no
GnomeVFS backend for System.IO (not that I know of, anyway) so gnomevfs
support is out of the question for the moment anyway.. 



�el kenal p�al (neljap�, 5. august 2004, 17:02+0200), kirjutas
Antonio Caruso:
> I downloaded the last version of muine (0.6.3)
> and started hacking on it and with TagLib. (I checked the TODO)
> I figured out the datamodel used for id3 info, in particular the
> metadata.c,h files in libmuine.
> I changed metatada.c and used TagLib to estract artist information for
> the case of MP3 files, just to understand how it works. 
> I used TagLib::MP3File to open and read tags info, and it works
> correctly.
> Now I have some questions to the authors, regarding a possible correct
> implementation of tags info with TagLib.
> Using the file access features of TagLib provides a simple and direct
> method to read and also change id3 tags. But since it does not use 
> Gnome vfs to open the file and read chunks of it, we don't have the
> abstraction layer that in feature version may open the possibility to
> add directory of music using smb: or sftp: protocols.
> Currently, this feature does not work. I don't know if it depends on
> gnome or in the way gnome-vfs is actually used.
> If it is not important to use gnome-vfs to read the file, then I can
> port the tagsystem to TagLib and remove the id3 dependancy.
> Thanks,
> 	Antonio
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