Re: [Muine] Feature Request


Personally, I find a whole manual rating system rather overkill. I think
giving songs a certain internal rating based on how often they are
played would be better. See on
how one would be able to browse by "most popular songs", or "never
played songs", for instance.



�el kenal p�al (reede, 27. august 2004, 12:15-0300), kirjutas Rene
> Hello all,
> I haven't posted in quite awhile, but I've been following Muine and it's
> becoming truly great software. I'm just a regular user of muine with
> some comments, hopefully they will be of use to you. 
> Please excuse me if I'm going over covered ground here. I've read the
> TODO and searched the mailing list to the best of my ability.
> I don't always know what I want to play. Most of the time I like to just
> open up my music library and queue anything that grabs my attention.
> Muine doesn't accomodate this type of browsing very well.
> Clicking on "Add Songs" results in a dialog that doesn't show all the
> songs in my music library. The only way of narrowing things down is the
> search field. The search field works well if I know I want to listen to
> something by Led Zepplin, but when I don't know what I want to listen
> to, it doesn't help. As a user, I'm *expected* to use the search
> function to narrow things down, and not all my songs are shown in the
> dialog otherwise. This makes it inadequate for browsing.
> This is one area, IMO, where Rhythmbox does things very well. I can
> browse by artist, album, *OR* songs without having to put in search
> terms.
> Secondly, I'm not sure where Jorn comes down on the idea of ratings. I
> searched the mailing list for "rate" and "ratings" and came up with
> nothing. 
> I think song ratings would be very useful and probably will integrate
> well with the planned grouping features. Again, ratings accomodate the
> sort of lazy music listener I am. I may have my playlist populated with
> a bunch of new stuff, and hear something out of my new music that I
> really enjoy, so I give it 4 stars. Otherwise, I have to remember the
> name of the track and who it's performed by if I don't want it to be
> lost in my gigantic music library until the next time I stumble upon it.
> A group along the lines of "Four Star songs added within the last week"
> would be a good way of keeping track of songs I like, but may otherwise
> forget. Ratings could come in handy for favorites groups (five stars),
> and even for hiding bad songs that sneak into the library with otherwise
> good albums (one star), ensuring it never finds it's way onto the
> playlist.
> There also seems to be a good place for five stars just underneath the
> artist name and the time remaining on the main window. Muine could be
> the first open source player to really nail the rating implementation. 
> Anyways, that's it from me.
> Thanks for listening :)
> -rv
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