[Muine] Re: Introducing Muine, Rhythmbox in 2.8 and other things

Le ven 07/05/2004 à 23:10, Ronald Bultje a écrit :
> "Changing streams is relatively slow, it usually takes ~ 1 second, whereas
> this is more or less instant using xine-lib. This has a major impact on
> the user experience."
> If you want to know a possible way to fix this: you would basically need
> to "queue up" the next/previous song to prevent this. The GStreamer model
> focusses on playback of a single media stream. Playlists are basically on
> the border of GStreamer's core scope, probably right outside it. Queueing
> up means that you already create a pipeline element (or whatever
> descendant of that you use in Muine) of another song, if possible with a
> queue between the decoder (or the autoplugger) and the audio sink element.
> Set the left part (before the queue) to playing, and possibly wait for the
> 'full' signal on the queue. Then set back to pause (saves CPU cycles). Set
> back to playing if you change songs. Now, the transition will be instant.

I experienced long delays with rhythmbox too. FWIW, I filled the
following bug:


Changing audiosink from osssink to esdsink fixed the problem for me.


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