Re: [Muine] [PATCH] InfoServer

On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 at 14:50:23 -0700, Brian Kerrick Nickel wrote:

> I have a similar server I've been working on. It uses xml queries and
> doesn't use a keep-alive connection with the client, so it doesn't
> broadcast things like changes to the playlist. It does however allow for
> querying Muine.DB and queuing/playing songs. It's usability is
> demonstrated here: http://localhost:8080/music/
> I think muine could stand to use a combination of the two, a keep-alive
> notification server, and a request server, preferably packaged on the
> same port. Ideally this would be able to replace MessageConnection.
> It may be better to use Unix sockets in place of Tcp, either that or an
> IP whitelist/blacklist.
> - Brian Kerrick Nickel
> On Mon, 2004-06-21 at 12:36 -0400, Sam Stephenson wrote:
>> Attached patch listens for TCP connections on a user-specified port
>> and sends a simple XML document containing player state information.
>> The port number can be changed at runtime via gconf, and you can
>> enable and disable the server with gconf, too.
>> I think this is a simple and useful way to get information about Muine
>> from other applications, at least until DBUS support is added.
>> Here is some sample output, retrieved using netcat:
>> $ nc localhost 6588
>> <player state="paused"><song><filename>/home/sam/Music/Mark Farina -
>> San Francisco Sessions vol. 1/02 Rob Mello -
>> Happiness.mp3</filename><title>Happiness</title><artist>Rob
>> Mello</artist><album>San Francisco Sessions - Volume
>> 1</album><duration>3:46</duration></song><position>0:03</position></player>
>> I haven't used C# or .NET before, so I must apologize if my code seems
>> messy.  Hopefully someone will find this useful.
>> --
>> Sam Stephenson
>> sstephenson gmail com

Brian please do not top-post in the future, it makes reading message
threads very difficult and indicates a generally poor understanding of
netiquette :)



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