Re: [Muine] Muine 0.3.0 doing ... nothing ... ?


> Now, the only problem I have is this: Muine doesn't play any music for
> me. It just sits there, displaying the "playing" icon in the playlist but
> remaining at 0:00 played time. When started from a terminal, there's
> no output except GStreamer's startup messages. I've compiled 0.3.0 on
> a Fedora I with all kinds of updates. Latest libid3tag, gstreamer 0.7.3,
> and so forth.
> Could this be related to not using GStreamer 0.6? GStreamer itself works,
> as tested from the gstreamer-properties tool. I'm totally clueless, so any
> hints that you might have would be greatly appreciated.

I have also experienced this while I tested 0.30 using remote X forwarding.
I blamed it to the forwarding, but now it seems it the problem lays
elsewhere. You are almost in the same situation as I am, but instead of
using gstreamer 0.7, I am using 0.6. So it seems not to be a gstreamer

Just a note, previous versions (0.2.1 and lower) have worked perfectly. Some
further info on my packages:

kernel-2.6.1 using ESD and OSS

Could you please send us your configuration?

Viet Yen

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