[Fwd: Re: [Muine] Regarding Internet Radio and Audio CDs]

Oops, wasn't meant to go to Eugenia by private mail.
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Hi all,

hope you had a nice weekend?

> I don't think so. There should not be a different concept for audiocds,
> radio and local music. It is all music, they should be handled from the same
> app and seemlessly.

I absolutely agree. One _simple_ interface for all kinds of music that
can be listened to out there. Why should I have to learn a different
interface for playing audio CDs, MP3s/OGGs, and internet radio? From a
user point-of-view, it doesn't make sense.

But the "Play stream for: 5 mins/1 hour/forever" thingy on the other
hand is ridiculous. Streams play for as long as they stream, period.

Same thing goes for your "Add Stream" button, Eugenia. Adding Streams
should be the same interface as adding other kinds of music, as closely
as possible.

Then the repeat-question again, I would just like to tell you _my_

1. - I'm lazy, just want to listen to some music. What do I do? Add all
the music I have to the playlist and have it play randomly.

2. - I'm very obsessed with a special song/list of songs/group and want
to play that over and over until I get sick of it.


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