Re: [Muine] Music style

On Mon, 2004-04-26 at 23:29 +0200, Lean Fuglsang wrote:
> Hello,


> it would be nice if Muine used the information stored in mp3 tags, when
> searching for a song.
> So you could search for rock, or live and so forth.

I can see the usefulness of that.

> The music type could even be listed in the song list, beside the artist.

Yea, but I think this will go away when the info dialog's are

> Also. The TODO link on
> doesn't work.

I believe that's because is currently being moved to a different server.

> Also, it would be nice if there was a gnome-panel plugin that could
> display the current playing song, and pause/skip songs.

There is a notification icon that display's the currently playing song
in its tooltip. And either left-clicking or right-clicking will bring up
a playback menu.

Link Dupont <link subpop net>

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