Re: [mlview-list]Text wrapping, text editing features, etc. in mlview


Here are some questions / suggestions I wanted to express to know more
precisely what needs to be done with text wrapping in mlview.

A question that can be asked, is if every editing widget must cut lines
at the same place, or if they can cut lines to fit their size. If so,
the line size specified by the user would be only used for serialization
(so the user can say "my text node's lines must not exceed 25 char"
etc.) ; but the editing widgets would be more usable (no useless
scrollbars whatever the real line width is, etc.).

I think the most important question is the "verbatim mode" : if we wrap
everything which is edited in "wrap mode", then what to do with nodes
written in "verbatim mode" if the user tries to edit them in "wrap mode"
? Should we wrap them completely, do not wrap on nodes which aren't
wrapped, wrap what the user modifies ... 

The "verbatim mode" is on a node-by-node basis : the user wants to edit
some nodes in "verbatim mode", and some others in "wrap mode" (if he
doesn't there's no problem : he simply disables the mode he does not
want). So maybe we can use the XML Recommandation (section 2.10) : to
put automatically in "verbatim mode" nodes which have a xml:space
attribute set to "preserve". (And then maybe we can apply the "wrap
everything" method in wrap mode without any inconvenient.)

My 2 cents,

Nicolas Centa

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