Re: [mlview-list][patch] validation

Hello Arnaud,

 Well, there are some few concerns about remote entity fetching in an editing

+ non-blocking entity fetching :
 I think it's not acceptable to block the entire application during
an entity fetch. Think about how mozilla handles that for example.
The ultimate solution would be to implement an asynchronous and multithreaded
url resolver. This is not trivial, but is really important.

+ Error handling/Proxy settings etc.

 I knew these were serious concerns I didn't have time to address and that is 
why I switched the network support off at that time.

I am glad someone is interested to take over this task now and I think we need
to discuss the design of that remote entity resolver.

Would you be interested in taking over that task ? If yes, just let me know
and we will start discussing about how we should design it.
Untill we have a clear idea about how to handle this,  I think it would be good
to postpone this patch a bit.

Thank you for your time.



Selon "Arnaud Patard (Rtp)" <arnaud patard rtp-net org>:

> Hi,
> I've made a patch for bug #127072. It enables to use dtd over http, ftp, and
> local file system.
> The usage of other protcols is not (yet :-) ) allowed. In order to do that,
> one could use gnome-vfs but I'd like to know your opinion about that.
> Rtp

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