[mlview-list]MlView O.6.1 is out

Hi all,

A MlView 0.6.1 is out. A *lot* of bits have been pushed into this
release. I hope some of you will try it out and send feedbacks.

Enjoy !!


Release notes:

What is MlView ? MlView is a generic XML editor for GNOME. It provides
a tree oriented XML editing view and supports edition with or without
DTD based validation.
      Updated translations.
            sr (Danilo Egan)
            sv (Christian Rose)
            az (Metin Amiroff)
            cs (Miloslav Trmac)
            es (Pablo Gonzalo del Campo)
            pt (Duarte Loreto)
            ru (Vitaly Lipatov)
            pl (Artur flinta)
      Refactored editing views management around a gobject based
      interface/implementation paradigm (me)
      Rewrote the attributes editor and namespace editor using plain
      gtk2 widgets (me)
      Added Debian package building system to the project (Sebastien
      Two tree editors are now avalaible in the current editing
      view. One of them now provides syntactic coloration. (Nicolas
      Wrote a new settings management api based on gconf (me)
      Better MVC pattern conformance (me)
      Nice GNOME icon choice ;) (Baptiste Mille-Mathias)
      Better handling of i18n (me)
      revisited the mlview.desktop file generation/distribution (me)
      Fixed a lot of crashers (Nicolas Centa, me)
      Fixed some compilation errors on BSD (Simon Barner)
      Better handling of the editing view re-scaling (Nicolas Centa)
      Revisited message dialogs (me)
      closed bugzilla bugs:
      tarballs: ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/mlview
      MlView binaries are packaged and distributed for the major linux
      If you package mlview binaries, please send a mail to
      mlview-list gnome org so
      that we setup a page of known mlview binary downloads links.
mailing list. mlview-list gnome org
Home Page. http://www.mlview.org
Screenshots. http://www.mlview.org/screenshots
Gnome Softwaremap
entry. http://www.gnome.org/softwaremap/projects/gnome-mlview

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