Meld development update

Short version:

The meld 0.9 branch has been copied to the head, and that is
where all future development will take place.

Longer version:

Meld development on the head was to be updated to use all
the latest gtk/gnome api. Releases were to be made from the
branch until the head was stable for release. However, due to
time pressures this effort has failed and I'm moving the branch
code onto the head.


I haven't moved the po directory as there are some files on
the head, but not the branch and some in both. My sincere
apologies for any duplicated effort between branches.

The good news:

I've transferred some of the changes from the old head into
the new head. File diff is now _much prettier_. Also I've added
a pluggable version control system. CVS and SVN are supported
as before and I've begun a mercurial module. It should be quite
easy to add support for other systems.


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