Re: Patch for bzr support in Meld

> | On that note, perhaps it would make sense for the vc library to become
> | a standalone vc executable which reads commands from stdin and
> | produces output in a standard way. (similar to bzr status and hg status)
> | Then each plugin could be licenced individually.
> As long as it was a long-running process, i.e. a server, I think that
> could work pretty well.

Yes, thats what I'm thinking - when the toplevel location is set,
we spawn a persistent server for that location. It means also that
the plugin could be written in the most natural language for the VCS.
> Sure.  So for some VCSes, a model which allowed us to return the status
> of the entire tree at once would be the most direct and performant.

> While I'm thinking of it, many VCSes implement a way to get the full
> text of a file as of a given revision.  So instead of requesting a diff      
> and then doing 'patch -R', you could just request the full text, and
> implement it as diff&patch on VCSes where it was necessary.

I like both ideas. I'll see if I can drum up some interest on some
other VC systems lists next week to get any other items to consider.


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