Re: meld on fedora core 4

On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 16:49 -0400, Jack Tanner wrote:
> Thanks for making meld, it's really great.

Thanks Jack.

> For line numbering and syntax highlighting, meld requires pygtksourceview, 
> but says that ...

Any one of gnome-python-extras, pygtksourceview or pysourceview should
be enough for syntax highlighting to work. I've updated the install file
to mention gnome-python-extras. 

As Alexey says, the first thing to do is to get
"python -c 'import gtksourceview'" working at the command line.
I don't have a fc box either . Maybe start with the fedora extras list?


> P.S. links to 
> , but it should probably link to 
> instead.

Yes, all the gnome lists are linked like this. I don't know
why they do it this way.

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