[PATCH] PHP syntax highlighting broken

Hello mc-devel,

the php.syntax file is broken due to bad highlighting definition of
LOG_LOCAL[0-7] symbols.

To reproduce:
F4 on any .php file.

Error in file /usr/share/mc//syntax/php.syntax on line 4367

and file is edited without any highlighting. Patch is attached.

Jindrich Novy <jnovy redhat com>, http://people.redhat.com/jnovy/
(o_                                                           _o)
//\      The worst evil in the world is refusal to think.     //\
V_/_                                                         _\_V

--- mc-4.6.1a/syntax/php.syntax.phpfix	2005-11-20 15:42:01.000000000 +0100
+++ mc-4.6.1a/syntax/php.syntax	2005-12-02 11:01:48.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 # PHP syntax file
+# 2005-12-02  Jindrich Novy <jnovy redhat com>
+#	* fix highlighting of LOG_LOCALn symbols to make the syntax file work
 # 2005-11-20  Leonard den Ottolander <leonard den ottolander nl>
 #	* regenerated from the docs at http://www.php.net
@@ -4364,7 +4367,14 @@
     keyword whole LOG_ERR white
     keyword whole LOG_INFO white
     keyword whole LOG_KERN white
-    keyword whole LOG_LOCAL0 ... LOG_LOCAL7 white
+    keyword whole LOG_LOCAL0 white
+    keyword whole LOG_LOCAL1 white
+    keyword whole LOG_LOCAL2 white
+    keyword whole LOG_LOCAL3 white
+    keyword whole LOG_LOCAL4 white
+    keyword whole LOG_LOCAL5 white
+    keyword whole LOG_LOCAL6 white
+    keyword whole LOG_LOCAL7 white
     keyword whole LOG_LPR white
     keyword whole LOG_MAIL white
     keyword whole LOG_NDELAY white

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