Re: [patch] TODO for 4.6.1: ./file in tar archive

Hello, Leonard and Roland,

> We actually have (and it is important that it is) a pointer to the pathname.
>  >>> q = "" <<<
> q will be assigned an empty string.
> Personally, I prefer the second one, as we don't care to which empty 
> string q points.

But this way const char * "" is passed as char *.
> The function canonicalize_pathname is not suited to the problem. We 

This function handles ".///a" like names, and without this one tarfs says
"Inconsistent tar archive" for such tar archives.

> As UNC pathnames have nothing to do with Unix I wonder how the function 
> has found its way into util*unix*.c.

This was implemented for cygwin on Pavel Tsekov request.

P.S. Pavel, apply this patch, please.

Andrew V. Samoilov.

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