[patch] small syntax file patches

I am sending a patch for html.syntax file. It has one advantage over the old one, if you forget somewhere lonely & (which should be & instead), you are alarmed by having this symbol bright red colored. Also in things like &nbsp is the ampersand also colored bright red to warn you that you are missing a ';' character (cause it should be   and not just &nbsp )

--- html.syntax	Sun Sep 29 20:22:25 2002
+++ html.syntax	Mon Jun 30 02:27:34 2003
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 	keyword &\[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\]; brightgreen
 	keyword &#\{xX\}\[0123456789abcdefABCDEF\]; brightgreen
 	keyword &#\[0123456789\]; brightgreen
+	keyword & brightred
 context <!-- --> brown

In C and Java there is missing the ! operator (maybe in other languages too, I have not checked)
(in C also & operator is missing and in both java and C maybe also . operator - not sure if you
want to color it too)

--- c.syntax	Thu Jun 26 22:20:53 2003
+++ c.syntax	Mon Jun 30 02:58:22 2003
@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@
     keyword % yellow
     keyword = yellow
     keyword != yellow
+    keyword ! yellow
+    keyword & yellow
     keyword == yellow
     keyword { brightcyan
     keyword } brightcyan

--- java.syntax	Thu Jun 26 22:20:54 2003
+++ java.syntax	Mon Jun 30 02:51:58 2003
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@
     keyword % yellow
     keyword = yellow
     keyword != yellow
+    keyword ! yellow
     keyword == yellow
     keyword { brightcyan
     keyword } brightcyan

Also note, when ading something like:

    keyword whole 0+ brightcyan
    keyword whole 1+ brightcyan
    keyword whole 2+ brightcyan
    keyword whole 3+ brightcyan
    keyword whole 4+ brightcyan
    keyword whole 5+ brightcyan
    keyword whole 6+ brightcyan
    keyword whole 7+ brightcyan
    keyword whole 8+ brightcyan
    keyword whole 9+ brightcyan

to c.syntax, pas.syntax, java.syntax and possibly others, you can have
numbers colored in bright blue (which I think is more eye friendly, you
see all numbers in source code bettter)
in pas.syntax you can also add 
    keyword whole $+ brightcyan
to have hexadecimal digits colored too, maybe you can use different colors for different languages (I just checked c, java and pascal)
maybe it can be written better, does mc syntax support something like
'keyword whole [0-9]+ brightcyan'? (\[0-9\]+ doesn't seem to work) so
i can write these ten lines with one line?

Martin Petricek

Jeden z největších letních open air festivalů v České republice. 3. - 6. 7. 2003, Český Brod. Těšit se můžete na téměř 130 umělců, kapel a DJs.

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