Re[2]: [PATCH] use proper value for the first argument of select ()

PR> Please give more information how you tested your changes and what problems 
PR> they fix.  Just because something looks obvious in the code, it doesn't 
PR> mean that the change doesn't need to be tested.

PR> Right now I'm trying to figure out how to test check_error_pipe().  It is
PR> called in the viewer.  I don't want to spend time on repeating your
PR> testing, I'd prefer to know how you tested it.

1. Use the attached bad.tar.gz archive

   The second entry in the tar is bad so the viewer can get some
   input and won't quite at the beginning. Then when freeing the
   file it calls check_error_pipe ().
2. Try to view it with internal viewer

3. Try with and without the patch

The mistake is that after the select () call the code checks fd 0 (stdin)
and it should check the pipe read end. I would agree with the code if the
read end of the pipe was duped to stdin but it is not.

Thanks! :)

Pavel Tsekov

Attachment: bad.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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