Re: Regarding the GNOME 2.10 press release

On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 20:15 +0000, Simos Xenitellis wrote:
> Hello,
> We (Greek translation Team of GNOME) translated the press release and we
> added the following text:
> 1. Under the section "About GNOME"
> we added "About the Localisation of GNOME to Greek".
> In the section, we mention that the localisation was carried out by the
> Greek localisation team of GNOME, we mention our Website (
> and finally we list the names of the team.
> 2. In the last section for the contacts we added our team e-mail,
> "team gnome gr" for local contact.
> According to the discussions in gnome-i18n list, the above should be
> more or less ok. I would like to hear from you, so we proceed.

That sounds very good to me.

> We are likely to get help from a local company to send the press release
> (Greek version) to technology news outlets such as newspapers and
> magazines. 

Excellent. Hopefully we can make this a regular thing.

You might want to join marketing-list if you have not already.

> I am looking forward to hearing from you,
> Simos Xenitellis
> On Behalf of the Greek Localisation Team/GNOME.
> p.s.
> The Greek version of the press release is available at
> (it's the "el" file).

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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