Re: Wiki updates


Claus Schwarm wrote:
> David Neary <bolsh gimp org> wrote:
> > There was another question that came up too. I thought it would
> > be a good idea to have lots of poster designs, perhaps split into
> > families targetting different groups (LUGs, government,
> > companies) and print as required. I didn't think that say 12
> > poster ideas would be too many. Does this sound like a reasonable
> > way to go?
> I don't think so. Consistency is one of the most central requirements of
> every sucessful promotion. People have better things to do as watching
> our material - their attention is low, in general. If a layout can't be
> adapted for all potential media (web and paper in our case), even beauty
> won't help.
> However, this does not mean that everything should look identical. Think
> of Marlboro as an example: Lots of different images and texts over the
> years, but a consistent style you can recognize immediately.

This is what I meant - consistency, with a central message, and a
small graphics team working on communicating the ideas we come up
with in a consistent manner, but with lots of different content,
rather than just 2 or 3 posters.


        David Neary,
        Lyon, France
   E-Mail: bolsh gimp org

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