I know Nat was talking with O'Reilly about doing more desktop stuff at
OSCON this year, and I'd like to talk, so maybe I can get them to foot
my bill to go out there and run the booth. What's the process/deadline
for registering for a booth?


On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 10:35:18 -0800, Sriram Ramkrishna <sri aracnet com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 10:06:43PM +0100, David Neary wrote:
> > What do we need to do to have material for FOSDEM, which is in 3
> > weeks?
> Yeah, thats a good idea.  I was going to get a list of conferences that
> we want to target.  Let me think of what might be good targets.
> OSCON is again happening in Portland. I'm not sure though that I want
> to do a booth or not.  Last year was very apporpriate since it was about
> desktops and a lot of hackers had shown up.  I don't know about
> this time as the topics are somewhat alien to me.
> sri
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