Re: In need for some text for a poster

I think it's useful to be associated to day to "Linux desktop" but I
think it's more precise and possibly relevant (if not today, tomorrow)
the concept of "free desktop".


En/na Luis Villa ha escrit:
> On 8/10/05, David Neary <dneary free fr> wrote:
>>>We would like to welcome you to Linux and the GNOME dekstop.
>>>Welcome to the Official Desktop of Happy People!
>>Can we take out "Linux and"? GNOME isn't just for Linux, and I'd like to
>>see us establish our own brand presence (which might include "GNOME
>>applications on Windows" soon) Also, we talk about the GNOME Desktop
>>Environment higher up, here it's the GNOME desktop. I've changed both to
>>the GNOME Desktop.
> As an aside, while we do want very badly to establish our own brand,
> we also want to (as much as possible) be affiliated with 'linux
> desktop'- the reality is that no one goes around googling for 'gnome'
> (unless they want tiny men in hats), and lots of people have interest
> in the 'linux desktop', so we need to capitalize on that and make
> google love us on that phrase.
> Luis

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