Re: marketing resources

Thanks, Robert!

Useful links. After searching a little bit, I found this one very

To quote the main points:

" The real value in my opinion has moved from the software to the
information and the community.", and: " The platform of this decade
isn't going to be around controlling hardware resources and rich UI. Nor
do I think you're going to be able to charge for the platform per se.
Instead, it is going to be around access to community, collaboration,
and content."

Maybe I like it so much because it reflects my main assumption: User do
only care about content, and the means to process content.

Looking at GNOME from the "community, collaboration, and content"
perspective, it's rather dark:

 * Our community is splitted by several different communications
   channels: IRC channels, mailings lists, blogs, user forums, wikis,
   comments on footnotes and, and bugzilla, to count the
   main ressources.

 * Collaboration is thus not happening as much as it could be, IMHO. For
   example, developers of GTK-only apps are not equally promoted
   although they may be developers of GNOME apps tomorrow.

 * As a result, the content is spread across different web sites and
   addresses, partially outdated, sometimes just boring, and not easy to

But this is just my subjective perception. Any other opinions?


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