Re: The "What is GNOME?" Answer

<quote who="Claus Schwarm">

> > Every GNOMEr is not going to remember a list of answers as long as their
> > arm. We can put the entire list on a brochure. Etc.
> The idea is: Slighly different texts for different media with a repeating 
> message: GNOME makes computing easy by [...]
> A sentence with more than 5 or 6 words won't be remembered at all.

I understand where you're coming from, but what we're really looking for is
a single, fairly simple statement that sums up GNOME as a project and as a
product (like the original blurb I posted initially - perhaps we'll just
stick with that, but it doesn't seem all that inspiring anymore).

We can certainly have more targeted statements for other tasks, but that can
come later. :-)

- Jeff

GVADEC 2004: Kristiansand, Norway          
   "I think we agnostics need a term for a holy war too. I feel all left
                            out." - George Lebl

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