My name is Andy Taylor from Roevin Translation Services. I have visited your web site and believe your
visitors may find our site useful. Therefore, I would like to invite you
to link to us from your website at <http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gtp/resources.html>.
You can link to us by using the following HTML
<p><a href="" Language Translation Services</a> - Roevin's extensive track record in the provision of business to business translation, foreign language typesetting and interpreting services will ensure that your multilanguage communication is of the highest standard.</p> WHY LINK TO US?
Roevin is an international translation, interpreting and typesetting company. We have a global network of translators and interpreters that can provide high quality translations in over 60 languages and any industry sector such as legal, financial, creative and technical. We have an online estimator that projects the costs
involved in translating documents in over 60 languages.
www.roevin.co.uk/translation/onlinequote.asp Thank you for your time. If you are able to
link, please send an email to confirm.
Warm Regards