Good day and hope all goes well with you.
It?s more pleasurable informing you this time around about some pertinent issues about TechCeFaCos? Computer Training Programs. We are desperately in need of your opinion and advice.
We have heard about Freeware and how its introduction and use is fast gaining groups in some Developing Countries, like Tanzania, Brazil etc. We?ve subsequently been encouraged by Tom B. (Britain) Thomas J. (Tanzania-Africa) and Laszlo (Canada) to embark on these freeware programs.
The practical application of these freeware programs in Cameroon appeared blurred and obscured to us at first, but this time with prospective visit of Stefan Freitag, Address Balsterstra¼e 75, 44309 Dortmund, Phone +49-(0) 174-4413469, E-mail: a student of the Department of Computer Science-University of Dortmund in Germany, the story would certainly be different. In fact, TechCeFaCos-Group will be the lone computer training Centre of the province(s) to start using freeware Computer Programs.
His main objectives would be to introduce setting-up and Configuring Linux (an Operating System), and LaTex (a Word Processor). Besides introducing these, he will equally be introducing our students to Networking and Content Management System using Mambo and Basic Concepts Of Programming Languages.
Now, in your own opinion and/or advice how do you think you can extend a helping hand to us as far as these Studies (and User) are concerned, that is, looking at it from the Pedagogical Strategic techniques in a way that would facilitate Specific Learning Objectives for Computer Studies in a Third World Country like Cameroon.
We hope to hear from you soon and thanks for cooperation.
Yours truly,
Emmanuel Fonyuy S.
Director, TechCeFaCos Group, Kumbo-Cameroon.
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