Re: Problem with HTTP queries

Sam Thursfield wrote:
> Now I don't know much about http so I don't have a clue about this
> whole encoding and then decoding business. What I do know is that if I
> fix up soup_uri_decode to ignore the %26 character and leave that
> encoded, the submit goes through fine. It's pretty obvious what the
> problem is here.
> I hope I'm not doing something really stupid here.

Nope. You aren't, soup is. You can work around it by setting the
"broken_encoding" flag on the SoupUri and constructing the rest of it
yourself. Eg:

  uri->protocol == SOUP_PROTOCOL_HTTP;
  uri->host = g_strdup ("");
  uri->path = g_strdup ("/protocol_1.1");
  uri->query = g_strdup
  uri->broken_encoding = TRUE;

soup will be fixed in a future release to make this unnecessary,
although that will cause an API break and apps will need to be updated
for the new API.

-- Dan

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