Re: [sigc] conditions in libsigc

If I understand what you describe correctly, I think it would be very useful, but only is it's not restricted to bool variables. I'd like to have a way to 'mark' a (member) variable (eg by wrapping it in a template) which would then automagically emit a signal when that variable is changed (that is what you're proposing, right?), but in my usecases that would hardly ever be a bool, more likely a string, numeric value or complex type. Then again, how would this work with complex types? Say:

class A
  int m_Int;

class B
  A m_A;

B.m_A.m_Int = 5;

Who should emit a signal - only m_Int or m_A also, because that object has changed, too?

I'm drifting away from the original question I'm afraid, I was just braindumping :)



Paul Pogonyshev wrote:
I am DEFINITELY not the person to decide. I'm no more than a subscriber
of this list. I hate the idea of being guilty of a prematurely stopped
discussion :-/.

OK, let's wait for a real decision then :)

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