Re: [sigc] sigc slot & shared_ptr anti-pattern

Paul Davis wrote:
below is a tiny program that demonstrates either an anti-pattern or a
bug or both in the use/design of libsigc++. the program will generally
run normally, but using valgrind reveals something deeply wrong, as
noted in the annotations in the code.


#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
#include <sigc++/sigc++.h>

class B;

class A : public sigc::trackable
       A () {}

       void signal_handler (boost::weak_ptr<B>) {};

class B : public sigc::trackable
       B () {}

       sigc::signal<void> MySignal;

main (int argc, char* argv[])
       boost::shared_ptr<A> a (new A);

           boost::shared_ptr<B> b (new B);
           boost::weak_ptr<B> c( b ) ;

b->MySignal.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*(a.get()), &A::signal_handler), c));

   return 0;

As b goes out of scope, new B gets deleted as normal.
Now, as the slot gets destroyed its just a weak_ptr, no double delete.

I'm not exactly sure how you managed to get the double delete with a shared_ptr. And I'm kind of wired and caught up in my own software stuff at the moment right now, but I once read about using weak_ptr's to remove cyclic dependencies.
I'm not sure where the problem is. If its sigc or boost.  I'm guessing 
its just a weird corner case between the usage.
Paul Davis
(no, I'm not answering my own question)

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