[sigc] Slot execution order


I have 3 threads communicating by libsigc signals.
The first thread emits a signal, connected to one slot in each of the other threads.

But the slots need to be launched in a precise order, so, to order that i used the push_front method to execute the right slot first.

typedef sigc::slot<void, unsigned long> type_slot_VitesseON;
type_slot_VitesseON a_slotVitesseON;
SA_VITESSE_ON.connect(a_slotVitesseON = sigc::ptr_fun(&DetectionPlaque));
sigc::signal<void, unsigned long>::slot_list a_ListeSlotsVitesseON = SA_VITESSE_ON.slots();

The "DetectionPlaque" is launched first, then the function for the other thread (that is what i wanted) .... but after this one, the "DetectionPlaque" is launched again ..... i don't know why.

Benjamin Coudrin

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