[sigc] signals and copy constructors

is there an elegant way to "change  *p_obj in  mem_fun(*p_obj, ...)"
after the signal is allredy attached to a concrete object , so that when
the copy constructor of that object is called,  some_signal.emit(...)
calls the method in the object created by this copy constructor call ?
or is it better to think of a different design, so that this question
doesn't come up ?

to avoid misunderstandigs, here is somekind of example:

//just a useless signal
sigc::signal<void> someSignal;

//just a useless class
class Useless : public sigc::trackable
   void call_me() { ... }

//a useless scope
   Useless u1;
   someSignal.connect(sigc::mem_fun(u1,  &Useless::call_me));
  //ok now connected - but how can i automatically change the target
object to u2 - so that u2.call_me() is called due someSignal.emit() ?
  Useless u2(u1);  //imagine this call is made at a comletly different
part in my programm - for example in a clone method ....

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