[sigc] Re: [gtkmm] libsigcx and gtkmm 2.4

Am 2004.05.30 14:21 schrieb(en) Christer Palm:

I'm (finally) moving over to gtkmm 2.4, but I can't find a libSigCX
package to match sigc++-2.0 used in 2.4. It appears that it only
supports sigc++-1.2.

That's right. I think libSigCX is being maintained by Andreas Rottmann.
I didn't hear of any plans to port it to sigc++-2.0

I tried to simply tweak configure.ac to make it build against the
sigc++-2.0 package, but it doesn't compile, unfortunately.

libSigCX depends on internal structures of sigc++-1.2. Since sigc++-2.0
has been written from scratch the internal structure is completely

Does anyone have any updates on the status of libSigCX or otherwise
have any experience that could help me out?

Which classes from libSigCX do you need? At some time I had some
random thoughts about libSigCX & sigc++-2.0 - Some things should be
much easier to implement with the new API.



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