Re: [sigc] libsigc++ 1.9.13 fails on Solaris 9 sparc

I made changes to sigc++/functors/slot.h: 122 and rebuilt

> On that line (slot.h: 122) could you please try
> a) replacing "LIBSIGC_TEMPLATE_PREFIX" there with "template"
Same errors (A class template name ...)

I removed '.LIBSIGC_TEMPLATE_PREFIX' (note that '.' removed) and got errors:
"../sigc++/functors/slot.h", line 122: Error: operator () is not defined.
"../sigc++/functors/slot.h", line 122: Error: Unexpected type name "sigc::type_trait<int>::take" encountered.
"../sigc++/functors/slot.h", line 122: Error: Badly formed expression.
"../sigc++/functors/slot.h", line 122: Error: operator () is not defined.
"../sigc++/functors/slot.h", line 122: Error: Unexpected type name "sigc::type_trait<char>::take" encountered.
"../sigc++/functors/slot.h", line 122: Error: Badly formed expression.
"../sigc++/functors/slot.h", line 122: Error: operator () is not defined.
"../sigc++/functors/slot.h", line 122: Error: Unexpected type name "sigc::type_trait<std::string &>::take" encountered.
"../sigc++/functors/slot.h", line 122: Error: Badly formed expression.
9 Error(s) detected.
make: *** [test_slot.o] Error 9

Murray Cumming wrote:
On Fri, 2004-03-26 at 18:29, Damien Carbery wrote:

New log attached.

I only used the tarball, not the patch attached to the mail.

Thanks. The patch had already been applied to the tarball, so no
patching was necessary.

It seems like we've got quite far.

So, the error now is

-I/opt/gnome-2.4/include  -g -c -o test_slot.o `test -f ''
|| echo './'`
"../sigc++/functors/slot.h", line 122: Error: A class template name was
expected instead of operator.
"../sigc++/functors/slot.h", line 122: Error: Unexpected type name
"sigc::type_trait<int>::take" encountered.
which is the return line here:

T_return call_it(slot_rep* rep, typename type_trait<T_arg1>::take a_1)
      typedef typed_slot_rep<T_functor> typed_slot;
      typed_slot *typed_rep = static_cast<typed_slot*>(rep);
      return (typed_rep->functor_).LIBSIGC_TEMPLATE_PREFIX
SIGC_WORKAROUND_OPERATOR_PARENTHESES<typename type_trait<T_arg1>::take>

On that line (slot.h: 122) could you please try a) replacing "LIBSIGC_TEMPLATE_PREFIX" there with "template"

If only I had access to CC 5.5 myself.

Damien Carbery
Desktop Release Engineer
Sun Microsystems

Email: damien carbery sun com
Ph: +353 1 819-9218
Ext: x 19218

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