Re: [sigc] libsigc++ & Forte: template operator()

Am 2004.03.20 00:25 schrieb(en) Murray Cumming:
On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 18:39, martin-ml hippogriff de wrote:
> I think it can be stripped down. The following should do:
> class Thing
> {
>   public:
>   Thing()
>   {}
>   template <class T>
>   void operator()(T a, T b)
>   {
>     T c = a + b;
>     std::cout << c << std::endl;
>   }
> };
> int main(int, char*[])
> {
>   Thing thing_;
>   thing_.template operator()<int>(1, 2);
> }

Thanks. That does succeed with g++ but not with my SUN Forte C++ 5.3
5.4. So I have made that a configure-time test. I suggest a quick
tarball release so that Damien can try it on his SUN Forte C+ 5.5.

My SUN Forte C++ 5.3 and 5.4 still get stuck on

CC -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.. -I.. -g -c  -KPIC -DPIC -o
"../sigc++/functors/functor_trait.h", line 48: Error: Function
may not  have default template parameters.

This is utter nonsense. Again it is pure guesswork to figure out
what keeps the FORTE from compiling. I tried to create a test to
reproduce the error ( and a possible
solution ( If this fails, maybe is_base_and_derived<> is still causing troubles. To check this,
I have attached Hopefully the tests
lead to some result.


#include <iostream>

template <class T_type>
struct type_trait
  typedef T_type  type;
  typedef T_type& pass;
  typedef const T_type& take;
  typedef T_type* pointer;
  static  T_type  instance(); /* not implemented */  

template <class T_type, int N>
struct type_trait<T_type[N]>
  typedef T_type*  type;
  typedef T_type*& pass;
  typedef const T_type*& take;
  typedef T_type** pointer;
  static  T_type*  instance(); /* not implemented */  

template <class T_type>
struct type_trait<T_type&>
  typedef T_type  type;
  typedef T_type& pass;
  typedef T_type& take;
  typedef T_type* pointer;
  static  T_type& instance(); /* not implemented */ 

template <class T_type>
struct type_trait<const T_type&>
  typedef const T_type  type;
  typedef const T_type& pass;
  typedef const T_type& take;
  typedef const T_type* pointer;
  static  const T_type& instance(); /* not implemented */ 

struct type_trait<void>
  typedef void  type;
  typedef void  pass;
  typedef void  take;
  typedef void* pointer;
  static  void  instance(); /* not implemented */

/** From Esa Pulkkin:
 * Compile-time determination of base-class relationship in C++
 * (adapted to match the syntax of boost's type_traits library).
template <class T_base, class T_derived>
struct is_base_and_derived
  struct big {
    char memory[64];

  struct test {
    static big  is_base_class_(...);
    static char is_base_class_(typename type_trait<T_base>::pointer);

  static const bool value =
    sizeof(test::is_base_class_((typename type_trait<T_derived>::pointer)0)) ==

template <class T_base>
struct is_base_and_derived<T_base, T_base>
  static const bool value = true;

struct functor_base {};

template <class T_functor, bool I_derives_functor_base=is_base_and_derived<functor_base,T_functor>::value>
struct functor_trait
  typedef void result_type;
  typedef T_functor functor_type;

template <class T_functor>
struct functor_trait<T_functor,true>
  typedef typename T_functor::result_type result_type;
  typedef T_functor functor_type;

#define SIGC_FUNCTORS_HAVE_RESULT_TYPE                 \
template <class T_functor>                             \
struct functor_trait<T_functor,false>                  \
{                                                      \
  typedef typename T_functor::result_type result_type; \
  typedef T_functor functor_type;                      \

struct foo : public functor_base {
  typedef int result_type;

  int operator()() {
    return 1;

int main() {
  functor_trait<foo>::result_type c = 2;
  std::cout << c << std::endl;
#include <iostream>

template <class T_type>
struct type_trait
  typedef T_type  type;
  typedef T_type& pass;
  typedef const T_type& take;
  typedef T_type* pointer;
  static  T_type  instance(); /* not implemented */  

template <class T_type, int N>
struct type_trait<T_type[N]>
  typedef T_type*  type;
  typedef T_type*& pass;
  typedef const T_type*& take;
  typedef T_type** pointer;
  static  T_type*  instance(); /* not implemented */  

template <class T_type>
struct type_trait<T_type&>
  typedef T_type  type;
  typedef T_type& pass;
  typedef T_type& take;
  typedef T_type* pointer;
  static  T_type& instance(); /* not implemented */ 

template <class T_type>
struct type_trait<const T_type&>
  typedef const T_type  type;
  typedef const T_type& pass;
  typedef const T_type& take;
  typedef const T_type* pointer;
  static  const T_type& instance(); /* not implemented */ 

struct type_trait<void>
  typedef void  type;
  typedef void  pass;
  typedef void  take;
  typedef void* pointer;
  static  void  instance(); /* not implemented */

/** From Esa Pulkkin:
 * Compile-time determination of base-class relationship in C++
 * (adapted to match the syntax of boost's type_traits library).
template <class T_base, class T_derived>
struct is_base_and_derived
  struct big {
    char memory[64];

  struct test {
    static big  is_base_class_(...);
    static char is_base_class_(typename type_trait<T_base>::pointer);

  static const bool value =
    sizeof(test::is_base_class_((typename type_trait<T_derived>::pointer)0)) ==

template <class T_base>
struct is_base_and_derived<T_base, T_base>
  static const bool value = true;

struct functor_base {};

template <class T_functor, bool I_derives_functor_base=is_base_and_derived<functor_base,T_functor>::value>
struct functor_trait;

template <class T_functor>
struct functor_trait<T_functor,false>
  typedef void result_type;
  typedef T_functor functor_type;

template <class T_functor>
struct functor_trait<T_functor,true>
  typedef typename T_functor::result_type result_type;
  typedef T_functor functor_type;

struct foo : public functor_base {
  typedef int result_type;

  int operator()() {
    return 1;

int main() {
  functor_trait<foo>::result_type c = 2;
  std::cout << c << std::endl;
#include <iostream>

template <class T_type>
struct type_trait
  typedef T_type  type;
  typedef T_type& pass;
  typedef const T_type& take;
  typedef T_type* pointer;
  static  T_type  instance(); /* not implemented */  

template <class T_type, int N>
struct type_trait<T_type[N]>
  typedef T_type*  type;
  typedef T_type*& pass;
  typedef const T_type*& take;
  typedef T_type** pointer;
  static  T_type*  instance(); /* not implemented */  

template <class T_type>
struct type_trait<T_type&>
  typedef T_type  type;
  typedef T_type& pass;
  typedef T_type& take;
  typedef T_type* pointer;
  static  T_type& instance(); /* not implemented */ 

template <class T_type>
struct type_trait<const T_type&>
  typedef const T_type  type;
  typedef const T_type& pass;
  typedef const T_type& take;
  typedef const T_type* pointer;
  static  const T_type& instance(); /* not implemented */ 

struct type_trait<void>
  typedef void  type;
  typedef void  pass;
  typedef void  take;
  typedef void* pointer;
  static  void  instance(); /* not implemented */

/** From Esa Pulkkin:
 * Compile-time determination of base-class relationship in C++
 * (adapted to match the syntax of boost's type_traits library).
template <class T_base, class T_derived>
struct is_base_and_derived
  struct big {
    char memory[64];

  struct test {
    static big  is_base_class_(...);
    static char is_base_class_(typename type_trait<T_base>::pointer);

  static const bool value =
    sizeof(test::is_base_class_((typename type_trait<T_derived>::pointer)0)) ==

template <class T_base>
struct is_base_and_derived<T_base, T_base>
  static const bool value = true;

struct functor_base {};

struct foo : public functor_base {
  typedef int result_type;

  int operator()() {
    return 1;

struct bar {

int main() {
  bool a = is_base_and_derived<functor_base,foo>::value;
  bool b = is_base_and_derived<functor_base,bar>::value;
  std::cout << a << std::endl;
  std::cout << b << std::endl;

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