Re: [sigc] compiling problems

Robert Wimmer wrote:
> sepp linux:~/c-devel/sigc> g++ -Wall
> -I/usr/local/lib/sigc++-1.0/include/  -L/usr/local/lib -lsigc
> /usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `pthread_create'
> for me it seems as if there is a missing link to a libsig library file.  is
> there a lib file missing ? and if how is it called ?

No, it is missing the pthreads library, which libsigc seems to be linked with. 
Add -pthread or -pthreads (I don't remember which).

> P.S.: i am using libsigc++1.0.4 and gcc 3.3.2.

1.0.4 is not old, it is ancient! You should consider upgrading to at least the 
latest 1.2, which is mostly API-compatible with 1.0.


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