[sigc] Re: Bug #134786

Am 2004.02.19 22:41 schrieb(en) Bryan Forbes:
I know I probably shouldn't be doing this, but I am because of the
severity of this
bug.  I emailed the gtkmm and libsigc list two days ago about it and
filed a bug
yesterday.  If you could get back to me about this bug, it would be
great.  This is
definitely critical and has been confirmed on x86 and ppc.  Thanks in
You are right, this is a serious bug.
Unfortunately, I have big problems to get gtk+-2.3.x installed on my notebook in parallel to gtk+-2.2 so I can't debug gtkmm-2.4. My troubles are increased by the fact that gtk+ and gtkmm take hours to compile on this slow machine.
Please be patient or help us tracking down the problem. You could e.g.
set a breakpoint at adaptor_trait.h:155 and find out how the endless
loop is triggered. Then we could write a simple, libsigc++2-only test

Similarly I need help testing the most recent patch here:
This probably also affects bug #134786.

I'm cc-ing the mailing list and attaching this correspondance to the bug report.

P.S.  I've been browsing through gstmm and fixing stuff for 0.7.4 and
I have some
questions regarding Gst::Object for you.  Should I email the list or
just correspond with you?
Please, always use the mailing list. You will have noticed that my  
activities on gtkmm were idle for a long time now. This is partly  
because I have less time these days but also because I found the  
gstreamer interface quite messy by the time I helped out starting the  
wrapper. I'm afraid it will still be difficult to write a clean gstmm  
API and a lot of things must be hand-coded rather than generated by  


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