Re: [sigc] Re: [Bug 147391] - test_lambda does not compile with SUN Forte 5.5

Am 10.08.2004 18:09:36 schrieb(en) Damien Carbery:
make failed.

To be sure I have the correct tarball:
$ cksum libsigc++-2.0.4-test3.tar.gz
761559274 1767826 libsigc++-2.0.4-test3.tar.gz

The tarball is correct. I don't understand why the FORTE doesn't choose the template specialization:

 template <class T_type>
 struct convert_array
 { typedef T_type& type; };

 template <class T_type, int N>
 struct convert_array<T_type[N]>
 { typedef T_type* type; };


'convert_array<const T_type>::type' (with T_type='char(&)[2]') gives 'const char(&)[2]' instead of 'const char*'. gcc works as expected. This is unnerving! Especially since glibmm uses the same trick to distinguish between array types and other types.

Probably there is a compiler bug. I will upload a tarball that has the offending lines in disabled so that we can move on.
Please try:


in two hours or so.



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