[libcroco-list] Re: CSS

On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 06:11, Dodji Seketeli wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry, for my late reply.
> Well, librsvg "only" uses the SAC interface of libcroco.
> Sodi definitely needs the CSSOM interface as it needs to perform edition on
> the css document.

Well, to begin with I'll concentrate on just integrating the parser

How can I use libcroco to parse style= attributes?  The approach I had
taken in my own parser was to introduce a "ruleset body" production that
was (more or less):

	ruleset_body: S* declaration [ ';' S* declaration ]*;

But libcroco has no equivalent cr_parser_parse_* parser method...

Is there a way to deal with the whitespace/semicolon tokens myself using


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