RE: A GNOME Bindings release set?

> The module split for the main development platform was to make things 
> easier for maintainers.  You are suggesting something that is 
> going to 
> make life more difficult for maintainers with very little gain.

Not much more difficult. I think the gain is very significant - we can have
a release set. Again, I am only talking about at least 1 split, not 10, for
bindings that do this.

Putting your libgda, libgnomeprint, and gtkextra wrappers in a separate
source package does not seem like the end of the world to me. I think your
own developers will appreciate knowing what source package contains stable
API. Yes, I know that they could read your docs instead, but this would
really be spelling it out.

Also, you can not expect your non-GNOME-platform bindings to share a release
version number with the GNOME-Platform bindings. I hope to see lots of GNOME
bindings tarball releases called 2.5.x and then 2.6.x. I don't think the
other stuff belongs anywhere near that shiny perfection.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net

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