RE: Language binding on the web..

Title: RE: Language binding on the web..

What do you need from us in order to make your job easier?


> Hi all!
> A few months ago there was discussions about creating a language
> bindings website on  I said I would be glad to help.  Since
> then I haven't heard anything.
> I haven't updated my gnome language matrix
> ( in a long time because it needs to be
> changed into a gnome2-version (I'm thinking about having
> seperate gnome1
> and gnome2-sections or just forget gnome 1 all together).
> Anyway!?  What's the current status?  I think my outdated page is the
> best list of language-bindings currently and I think that
> _information_
> should be on  I needs to be rearraged before that though.
> /Erik
> --
> Erik Bågfors               | erik bagfors nu
> Supporter of free software | GSM +46 733 279 273
> fingerprint: 6666 A85B 95D3 D26B 296B 6C60 4F32 2C0B 693D 6E32
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